Q&A with @pkdoeslife: Responsible Shopping

(Photo courtesy of @pkdoeslife on Instagram)

Responsible shopping means to purchase items from brands that are deemed ethical. Keeping sustainable and “green” principles in mind, we can make a big change by being environmentally conscious when shopping.

Pkdoeslife, also Paulina, is a social media influencer based in the United Kingdom. Paulina has over 9,000 followers on Instagram and a dedicated following on YouTube and TikTok. She shares what she wears in a day, how to style certain clothing, and many more outfit inspiration videos. Paulina shares her own passion for clothes and what she thinks about responsible shopping, with The Scoop.

Q: What started your interest in clothes? And specifically documenting it on social media?

A: I’ve always been into fashion since I was younger, but I didn’t really have a style, so I just copied what was “trendy” at the time. Now, I feel like I understand what looks good on my body and wear what makes me feel confident and happy. Being a size 12, I struggled to find creators that looked like me, and I’ve also always wanted to be a creator, so I thought it was the right time to just go for it.

Q: Have you heard of responsible shopping? Or sustainable clothing?

(Photo courtesy of @pkdoeslife on Instagram)

A: I’ve heard of sustainable shopping and try to use items in my wardrobe to create outfits.

Q: Do you participate in it?

A: If I want to buy something new, I always try second hand or charity shopping before I try any actual shops.

Q: Do clothes being labeled “sustainable” or “fast fashion” affect whether you buy it or not?

A: Honestly, phrases like fast fashion do make me feel a lot more guilty if I buy from there, which is why I try not to. The word “sustainable” does make me want to buy the item more, though.

Q: As a consumer, do you find it hard to shop responsibly?

A: I do find it hard to shop responsibly because the wording some brands use is tricky to understand and makes you feel like it’s good for the environment when it’s actually not. For example, made from plastic. 

Q: Do you think the pros of shopping sustainably are worth all the efforts when multiple brands, like Shein, continue to grow economically while environmental concerns escalate?

A: I do think shopping sustainably can have a huge impact if we were all on board. However, it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon as places like Shein have such low prices, which is what most people look for over quality.

Find Paulina on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok!