5 habits to help the planet

Everything we do has some kind of impact on the environment, good or bad, and every year we make decisions causing a large decline in the health of our planet.

While we need to make drastic changes, doing something is better than nothing and something small can turn into a larger lifestyle change down the road. Barbara Lucks, a local and sustainability expert who worked for years for the city of Springfield, offers five everyday habits to help our planet.

1. Conserve water

It is so easy to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or washing your hands. Instead of running water when doing dishes, fill up the sink once and only use more when necessary. Shower quicker. Consider turning off the water when you’re shampooing your hair or scrubbing your body. Lastly, consider not flushing after you go No. 1 at home.

2. Conserve energy

Turn off all lights when not in use, especially during the daytime. Turn off the heat or air conditioning when it’s not necessary; many countries don’t have those luxuries and are doing just fine. Unplug your phone or electronics when not in use or once it has reached 100 percent battery life.

3. Reduce gas emissions

Try going on foot to school or work, riding a bike when going to the store or carpooling with friends to save gas. Lucks likes to make sure the errands she has to run are in a similar area so she’s not going from one side of town to the other.

4. Use reusable products

There are so many everyday products you can replace to reduce your trash: reusable grocery bags, biodegradable toothbrushes, reusable water bottles, kitchen towels instead of paper towels, stainless steel straws, etc. They may seem like an investment, but you’ll save money and the planet in the long run.

5. Recycle

Sometimes we all need a refresher on what can be recycled: cardboard boxes, tins, cans, plastics and paper. Put a designated bin in your living space to remind you to recycle and look up where you can take your materials near you when you’re ready to throw them out. You can even recycle your clothes by giving them a different style or use.

While these tips may seem trivial, it’s a start for many of us who push the health of our environment to the back of our minds. It’s important to be aware and mindful of the choices we make every day to create a better, healthier and long-lasting planet for generations to come.