Cauliflower ear is simply a bruised ear, but unlike normal bruises it does not have enough space to spread and heal itself. This confined space of the ear causes the blood to pool, causing major swelling, resulting in cauliflower ear. This can occur from a blow or if the ear is repeatedly rubbed, particularly in a sport like boxing or wrestling.

The Scoop spoke with Cameron Deckett, an athletic trainer at Drury University about this condition. Deckett works with the wrestling team, so he knows a thing or two about cauliflower ear.
Step 1. Seek professional care
“We send all of our guys to the team’s doctor,” said Deckett. “Even as an athletic trainer at Drury, we leave it to the professionals to safely drain the ear.”
This is not a task that should be done without the help of a professional.
Step 2. Drain using a syringe
“Poke the syringe in the swollen pocket of the ear and drain the blood.”
There can be one large pocket or multiple, around the ear. In each, the syringe is inserted and the blood is pulled out.

Step 3. Take preventing methods to protect from getting again.
Once the ear is drained, it is much easier to develop cauliflower ear again. “It is like an open water balloon right next to the faucet, and the water drips in until it is filled up again,” said Deckett.
There are a few preventive methods to stop cauliflower ear. “A step we take is putting cotton on both sides of the ear, once it is drained, and sew it through the top and the bottom to compress the ear. The compression is like letting the water balloon out, but then clamping it down so water can no longer get in.” The cotton typically stays on the ear for about a week.
Another step used by wrestlers is headgear. “We make all our guys wear headgear to try and prevent cauliflower ear from coming back, but even that isn’t completely successful,” said Deckett.

Step 4. Catch it before it hardens.
The previous steps should all be taken within a week of swelling, if not the blood will harden and you will be stuck with cauliflower ear for the rest of your life. Of course if you are a wrestler this may be alright as it is seen as a badge of honor.