Makayla Scott is the lead singer of the indie/folk band Blue False Indigo. The Scoop sat down with Scott to discuss how she began, how music has made her who she is today and the future of the band.
When did your passion and love for music begin?
I’ve loved music and singing for as long as I can remember. I started taking that passion way more seriously in High School, though
What is it about music that you like?
Everything! The ability it has to make you feel anything and everything. Music is everywhere and I think without it the world would be so dull.
When did you start your first band and how did you go about starting it?
Freshmen year at Drury. All of the original members met in Drury Singers and sort of spontaneously formed a band, Blue False Indigo, because I had already gotten a show without actually having a band, and then we kind of just stuck with it. Since then people have come and gone, but A.J. Kara and I have been with it pretty much since that day in October 2013.
Are you still in the same band? Who are the members?
Yes, we are Blue False Indigo. Kara LePage plays the bass, cello, and vocals. A.J. Valle, keys and vocals and Chandler Revie plays the drums
Have you ever played at a music festival before? If so what was the atmosphere like how did it make you feel?
I guess that’s what people were calling it. This 3 day festival in the Outland Complex downtown this past summer. It did not give me a festival vibe at all so I didn’t really feel any particular way about it, just another concert.
Where do your want to take your music career? What are your dreams and aspirations?
Well our next move is KC (Kansas City) as of now, and we hope to just continue to play together and grow as musicians and hopefully breakout into bigger and better things. My dream would obviously be to be able to do Blue False Indigo full time, and I realize that takes a lot of time and work, but we all realize that and so we are taking our next moves really seriously.