While you don’t need to venture far from any college campus to find a slice of pizza, it might be worth your time to search off the grid next time — as far as Marshfield, Mo., to Smokey J’s Deli & Pizza. Smokey J’s recently received Marshfield’s 2016 Business of the Year award.
Tim Jackson, owner of the 3-year-old downtown restaurant, finds that offering things never before seen in Marshfield gives him an advantage over other restaurants, helping the business rise to success.
Jackson also notes that his family, including members of Smokey J’s staff, have made the business feel like home to those who visit. The Scoop’s Amelia McIntosh sat down with Tim recently to discuss the development of his restaurant.
Why do you think Smokey J’s has succeeded when similar restaurants in Marshfield have not?
For one, we sell beer and wine on the square in Marshfield, which has never been done before. We hold concerts — including a block party three times a year — where we block off an entire street. People are able to bring their lawn chairs, kick back, relax, have a good time, and have a beer while they’re doing it. That’s a first for Marshfield. And our menu is pretty diverse; there should be a little of something for everybody.
What triggered your decision to open Smokey J’s?
I worked for a “mom and pop” armored car company that was bought by a worldwide corporation, and after some disagreements, decided to leave and venture out into restaurant owning … Which was not completely new to me; my wife and I owned a delicatessen in Marshfield years ago and it was a very good business, but closed it due to family matters. The timing was wrong.
Tell me about the significance of the name, Smokey J’s.
Smokey was my dad; that was his nickname. His real name was Franzell. He passed away in January of 2012. It wasn’t because he liked pizza — he didn’t care much for pizza — he just liked to eat.
Smokey J’s is located in a 108-year-old building. Was that part of the plan?
I wanted to purchase something instead of renting, but there wasn’t anything really in town. I heard about this building through a friend, and came to an agreement with the owner in spring of 2013. My family spent the summer renovating. I take pride in it … I come to this place every day knowing, “this is mine. I did this.”
Where do you see Smokey J’s in the future?
I’d like to have it grow a little more — maybe buy the building next door to add more seating, and possibly an outdoor balcony seating area. I see us growing a little bit, but slowly. And I’d really like to pass it on to somebody who enjoys it as much as I do … because that’s the reason I got into this in the first place — because I like the people in Marshfield.