How to make a gourmet meal in an Easy-Bake Oven

Completed caprese flatbread. Look at that melted cheese, yum! Photo taken by Tulley Beard.

Many of those Easy-Bake Ovens that were once present in our childhood are now probably just sitting around collecting dust. We have grown out of making batches of tiny cookies and pizza bites as we’ve developed a taste for finer foods.  We also have less time to cook our food by light bulb.

The Easy-Bake Oven that was first introduced in the early 1960’s has come a long way. Today, they can reach tempreatures of 375 degrees when preheated correctly. Suddenly this opens up endless cooking possibilities!

The Scoop teamed up with 11-year-old Morgan Bangert to create a new gourmet recipe for her Easy-Bake Oven: the Caprese Flatbread


You will need:tumblr_o4gr2yGbzB1qfl964o5_1280

  • A small tomato
  • English muffins
  • Dried basil
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • A knife for slicing the muffins and tomatoes
  • An Easy-Bake Oven and its accessories


Step 1: Preheat your Easy-Bake Oven by plugging it in and making sure both of the metal flaps are closed. It gets way hotter than you’d expect, so use caution



Step 2: After washing your hands, slice an English muffin in half so that it fits inside of the easy-bake pan then drizzle some olive oil over the top



Step 3: Cut tomato into thin slices and lay a slice or two on top of the muffin



Step 4: Sprinkle desired amount of mozzarella cheese on top – but be careful to not put so much that it doesn’t fit in the oven. Top with some dried basil, and it’s ready to bake!



Step 5: Carefully place the pan in the oven and let bake for 5-7 minutes or until the cheese melts and the bread is a little crispy



Step 6: Unplug the Easy-Bake Oven and push the Easy-Bake pan through the oven into the cooling chamber and let sit for a few minutes



Step 7: Remove from oven and splash some balsamic vinegar over the top to complete the dish



Step 8: Enjoy!



All photos by Tulley Beard