With the luck of the Irish, five local citizens joined together to create the Irish Rock band Keltic Knot. The members that make it all happen are Tim Snider (string instruments and piano), Joel Wren (Irish flute, Irish whistle, Bodhran, bagpipes, and bass), Elisa Wren (lead vocal, guitar and trumpet), Karolina Fraczak (violin, and tambourine), and Zachary McMeley (percussionist). These five talented musicians balance the responsibilities of school, home lives, and their music. In result, they have created a band full of love that has a passion for making music. To get a glimpse into the dynamics and process of this quintet, I interviewed their primary string instrumentalist and pianist, Tim Snider.
Q: How did you get that name [Keltic Knot]?
A: Well, it’s interesting. We started out as The Shamrocks, but there’s millions of Shamrock Irish bands. So, we started thinking what would be different, what could be different? There’s three of us that are original members, and so we have this three thing kind of going. So, the Irish Trinity knot is the father, son, and the Holy Spirit. So, that’s where we got the idea to use the Celtic Knot. And, when we went to see if we could get the trademark on it, somebody that does Celtic knots, actual real Celtic knots, has the C part. So we said, “Well, we’ll see if we can do it with K.” So, that’s how we came up with Keltic Knot.
Q: How did you all meet?
A: I was teaching at Aurora Music. Elisa, when she was ten, started taking guitar lessons from me. Through just activity around Aurora we just kept connecting and doing things. So, that’s how one day we decided, we’re gonna do this.
Q: So you are a student here at Drury, what are your majors?
A: Music Therapy
Q: How do balance school, home life, work, and music?
A: Well, basically: it’s my life. I have a private music school (Tim Snider Music Lessons). Then, I live by myself. So, you know, I don’t have anything going on other than just what I’m doing. But, I do have grandchildren, and children, and a mother so, you know, I still got all of that going on, too. Then, I’m busy at church. I play in a praise and worship group. And, I also have a few little side projects that I play at, too. I’ve got a [former] student band that wants to go out and play [classic rock] every once and while. It’s called the River City Gents. Then I have a friend; we do acoustic sets together, just the two of us.
Q: Ideally, what does the future of your band look like?
A: Well, we’re all still in college right now, except for Joel. So, we are all pretty busy. It’s just kinda like when we have time. But, there will be some opportunities that keep popping up. We want to record an album. Everywhere we go, people ask us for an album. We’ve done some [recordings], but it’s just not been to what we want. So, that’s probably one of the biggest things we’ll try to do this summer.
Q: Will that album include originals?
A: It might, I’ve got some things I’ve got to write.
Q: What has been your favorite moment with Keltic Knot?
A: Oh my gosh. We just make good music. Being in a band is tough. You [have] to have a lot of grace. You’re better off to have a supporting role instead of trying to always have it your way. So, we’ve been pretty good about that. But, we just make good music. When we really get down and really get stuff together—and I humbly say this, I don’t say this to brag, but we’re all pretty good musicians. So we can hear a song and arrange it and it just happens. And they’re all nice people, and that makes it fun.