If you’ve been to Hurts Donut in downtown Springfield, you’ve probably seen it: the Cookie Monster donut.
Brandi Crawford, an employee at Hurts Donut, demonstrated the simple process of creating this famous donut for The Scoop.
Follow these steps to whip up your own scary treat.
1. Preparing the ingredients
Step 1: In a small bowl, mix together plain vanilla icing and blue food coloring. Stir together until it is a deep, intense blue color.
Step 2: In a separate bowl, crumble up Oreos into small pieces.
Step 3: Prepare sugar “eyes” by mixing two cups of sugar with a half cup of warm Karo corn syrup. The syrup can be microwaved for 30 seconds to achieve liquidity.
Put the mixture into a disposable cake-decorating bag with a small tip. Drop dots of this mixture onto a sheet of wax paper. You will need two dots per donut you plan to decorate. For the pupil of the eye, add black food coloring and drop a smaller dot in the center of each white dot. Let these sit in the freezer for about five to 10 minutes to harden.
2. Decorating the monster
Step 1: Take a plain donut, and dip one side in the blue icing. The icing should cover the entire side of the donut.
Step 2: While the blue icing is still fresh, dip half of the iced side of the donut into the bowl of crumbled Oreos.
Step 3: Take two sugar eyes, and place them on the part of the donut that is not covered in crumbled Oreos.
Step 4: Let the icing set up for a few minutes before serving.
Step 5: Serve!