Lauren Ashley Goskie, current Drury University student and aspiring jazz and folk singer/songwriter, recently started a new video series on her YouTube channel called Music Mondays.
“It was this summer,” she recalled. “I was sitting at home, and I was like, people aren’t looking enough at my videos. How can I get my name out there and get people to look and be involved and interested? So I thought that if I did Music Monday every week, people would want to tune in and find out, and hopefully, that would build a fan base.”

Goskie, whose videos have tallied more than 10,000 views on Facebook, sought to build a larger audience and to follow her dream. She has been pursuing a career as a jazz and folk singer/songwriter since high school.
“I started singing at coffee shops and talent shows,” she said. “I would sing at coffee shops like once a month in like two or three shops. … So I’ve been trying to get my name out there for a while.”
What do her parents think about her chasing this dream?
“Oh, they are so supportive,” she said. “They’re the best. … My parents are definitely my biggest fans.”
She also has carefully chosen her majors at Drury to reflect what she wants to do as a career.
“I thought a lot about my majors, and I want to do music because I want to learn more about theory and how to create music and all of the underworkings of how a song works,” she said. “I want to completely understand that, so I can play with it later. Arts Administration I did because I like the business side of art. Also it helps promote myself as an individual artist. Then writing I got so I can write my own music in the future. I kind of designed all of it together so they all fit and the end goal to be to make music and share it.”
Goskie knows becoming a star and building a brand is no easy task, especially in Springfield.
“The demographic and what people like in the area is tough,” she said. “Being a fan of jazz, it’s not always what people want to listen to. It’s also hard for me because I like a lot of different types of music. I had to actually sit down and pinpoint what exactly am I because it helps people relate more. I think just taking all of your interests and keeping them in your heart, but also focusing on the ones you are really passionate about or can excel at is a way to really identify your brand.”
She has found what she loves, and is determined to make it happen. The only thing left for her to do is wait.
“I definitely want to learn more before I go out there,” she said. “I want to be ready, be able to take on the world. I love music — bottom line.”