Looking for a celebratory drink to celebrate the Kansas City Royals’ World Series victory?
Courtney Smith, a bartender at Dublin’s Pass, shared her secret recipe for her Royal Shot with The Scoop.
Gather watermelon-flavored Smirnoff vodka, lemon-flavored Absolut vodka, and a blue-colored nonalcoholic mixer of your choice.
Step 1: In a large cup, add 1/3 volume of watermelon-flavored Smirnoff.
Step 2: In that same cup, add another 1/3 volume of lemon-flavored Absolut.
Step 3: For the remaining 1/3 volume, add your choice of a nonalcoholic blue colored mixer. (Blue Powerade works great!)
Step 4: Place another large cup over the cup containing the mixture, and shake well before distributing into shot glasses.
Step 5: Make a toast to the Kansas City Royals, and enjoy!
For a ‘virgin’ alternative, try using blue Powerade, Sprite (or other lemon-lime soda), and Dole watermelon juice.