FAQ: Bicycling in the city

Cars outnumber bikes on the road. But that doesn’t mean you can’t cycle in the city.

What are the difficulties of commuting by bicycle instead of by car?

It can be difficult to ride a bike when you are surrounded by larger vehicles who see you as an obstruction in the road. People may try to pass you, and it can be hard to pass them when you are on a much smaller vehicle. Though there are measures you can take to make yourself safer while surrounded by cars. For instance:

How can you make sure you are safe on the streets?

Make yourself noticeable. This is especially important at night when a driver’s visibility is diminished. Tony Miller, president of the Springbike Bicycle Club, mentions that you should have lights on your bike and/or helmet at night and to also wear reflective clothing.

It’s important that cars can see you to avoid any potential accidents. The rules of traffic should always be followed, just as if you are in a car. Signal when turning so cars know where you’re going. Follow the flow of traffic and do not weave in and out of parked cars.

Craig Titus, assistant professor of English and philosophy at Drury University, explains that the choice of path is an important one. You should choose safe roads that don’t carry a lot of fast-moving traffic. So, rather than a big, busy street that is heavily trafficked, try a route that uses more side streets.

Titus also emphasizes that it is the closing speed between cars and bikes that is dangerous. If you travel down a road that has cars going 40 mph and you can only go 10 mph on your bike, you will be hurt more badly if hit than if you were hit by a car going down a road that has a 25 mph speed limit.

You should also make sure your bike is in proper working condition. Check your brakes, tires, and chains frequently to make sure your bike is in riding condition.

Aren’t city streets just for cars?

Miller says that some argue bikers do not pay road taxes and thus do not deserve to be there. He notes any person who pays taxes helps pay for the roads. Also, many who ride bicycles also own cars, which makes that entire argument a moot point.

Some think that bikes should be on the sidewalk, but those are for pedestrians only.

What should you wear while biking on the streets?

You should always wear a helmet while riding on the roads; both Titus and Miller do so. A helmet can save your life during an accident on the road while cycling, whether a car is involved or not.

Always wear light-colored or reflective clothing to make sure cars can see you in low light.

Do I need to spend a lot of money on a bicycle for city riding?

Says Miller: “You can ride anything in the city.” Any bike will do when commuting in the streets, so long as it works well.

Miller advises that a bike with a wider tire than a standard long-distance road bike would be ideal. A wider tire can stand up to any bumps or divots in the road, and offers a smoother ride than a thinner tire.

Do you need to perform maintenance on your bicycle? 

Maintenance is advised for the longevity of your bicycle. Miller checks his brakes before and after every ride to make sure they’re working, and also lubricates his chain about twice a month. You should lubricate the chain more often if you are riding in wet weather to make sure it stays in working condition.

Regular proper maintenance will also help you get the most money out of your bike. You could maintain the bike to prevent any problems from arising, or pay to have it fixed when something breaks. “The more you maintain it, the longer it’s going to last,” Miller says.

Why would you want to ride a bike instead of drive a car?

Titus argues that you have more freedom in the flexibility of the route you take while biking. While on a bike you get to keep up with your health while being outside, and it can also be therapeutic to some people. “It’s a whole different experience,” Titus says.

Miller says he likes the fresh air, exercise, and stress relief that bicycling can provide. “You see a lot of things on a bicycle you don’t see in a car,” he says.

It is also economical and environmentally friendly. With all of his biking, Miller says he spends around $20 on gas a month for his truck.